healing clinics
In these clinics, trained practitioners offer 15-minute energy healings, working with energy channels and centers in your body to assist you in having more presence, grounding and flow.
These healing sessions are "hands-off", practitioners will use their hands in the space around your body to offer energy healing, but will not be touching you directly. These healings take place with you seated in a chair in a room with others also receiving an energy healing simultaneously.
These are open to everyone. This is a drop-in event. No pre-registration is required.
If you’re ill or are experiencing any symptoms (eg sore throat, cough, runny nose, fever, etc.) or if someone in your household is ill, please don’t attend.
NOTE: This will be the last Healing Clinic we'll hold at Sourcepoint on 16th at Heather in Vancouver. After 20 years of holding our Healing Clinics and classes here, we will be changing locations, as the space has been sold. We are deeply grateful for all that this space has offered over the years.
We will provide updates when we have more information about clinics going forward.
Date: Wed. January 15
Time: 6:00 - 6:40 pm
Cost: By donation - cash only
Suggested donation $5-20 to help cover rent and administrative costs
Location: 3263 Heather St (near Cambie at 16th Ave), Vancouver, BC
If you would like more information, please contact Jan.